Asher Johnson

Hello! You can call me Asher or Akim, or Godsveins if that floats your boat. I'm a 22yr old illustrator currently living in Southern California. I have a BFA in Visual Communication Design, concentration in Illustration! I love to draw themes of alternative subcultures (emos, goths, metalheads), mental illness, trauma, and more, but I also love to infuse cutesy things into these dark drawings as well. I hope you enjoy checking out my stuff!



Senior Thesis Trading Cards

For my Senior Thesis, I decided to create a science-fiction, alien-centered trading card game titled SWARM. Some of the strongest cards are below.

Terms of service

  • I only ask for payment after I have completed the sketch, just so people know where my process is at before they commit to commission me. It makes me more comfortable.

  • I reserve the right to post your commission on my social media if I choose to. I will always ask for permission before selling prints of your commission.

  • You may not use my commissions for NFTs or to train AI.

  • Once you have paid for your commission, you may do what you want with it, however, if you are using it commercially, you will need to tell me upfront to adjust the price.

  • I do not do fanart commissions unless you own the characters I am making a piece of.

  • I reserve the right to refuse any commission. If I choose to cancel a commission midway through, I will return 50% of the money to the commissioner.

  • I take paypal, cashapp, and venmo.

Illustration Commissions

Digital Options

500x500 fullbody pagedoll: $35+

A 500x500 pixel, 72ppi fullbody that would be perfect for page decorating with your OC! Price includes shading/rendering. If you would like something larger or more painterly, please refer to the fullbody character information.

500x500 Avatar/Icon: $15+

A small drawing that will look great as an avatar/icon on a website. These are 500x500 72PPI!

Fullbody Character: $75+

The price includes the shading/rendering, please specify if you would like cell shading or stylized, painterly shading.All I need is a reference of your character or a description of what they look like, preferably with a pinterest board or something similar that shows how they dress.


Up to 3 different illustrations of a character of your choice arranged like a sketchpage. Each additional illustration is +$50.Descriptions of your character's personality for this type of commission are greatly appreciated!This includes a simple, solid color background with embellishments like stars, bubbles, etc.


This type of commission's price depends on the complexity, but it starts out at $200 because of the expectation of a fullbody figure with a complicated background. See the examples to the right for examples of this type of illustration.



Custom, not a print. Price heavily depends on size and subject! $200 is the base price for an 11x17 drawing.


Custom, not a print. Price heavily depends on size and subject! $200 is the base price for an 8x8 painting.

Don't see what you want here? Contact me! My discord is @kornenjoyer.